Source code for soapy.wfs.shackhartmann

Shack-Hartmann WFS

The Shack-Hartmann WFS is simulated using the `ShackHartmann` class contained here.
Pupil phase or complex amplitude is recieved from the line of sight on the WFS, via the base WFS class.
This array of phase or complex amplitude is chopped into relavent sub-apertures.
Before this however, it is interpolated such that the correct sub-aperture field of view will be
 obtianed. This also means that the phase does not need to be a integer multiple of the number
 of sub-apertures. An FFT is performed to create the focal plane image for each sub-aperture.
 To obtain a multiple of the number of pixels per sub-aperture, the FFT is padded to an appropriate size.
 To get the final detector frame the focal plane is binned, photon flux is calculated and noise added.

 Centroiding is then performed and a WFS measurement is returned
import numpy
import numpy.random

import pyfftw

import aotools
from aotools.image_processing import centroiders
from aotools import wfs

from .. import LGS, logger, lineofsight, AOFFT, interp
from . import base
from .. import numbalib

# xrange now just "range" in python3.
# Following code means fastest implementation used in 2 and 3
except NameError:
    xrange = range

# The data type of data arrays (complex and real respectively)
CDTYPE = numpy.complex64
DTYPE = numpy.float32

[docs]class ShackHartmann(base.WFS): """Class to simulate a Shack-Hartmann WFS"""
[docs] def calcInitParams(self): """ Calculate some parameters to be used during initialisation """ super(ShackHartmann, self).calcInitParams() # Sort out some required parameters self.nx_subaps = self.config.nxSubaps self.subap_fov = self.config.subapFOV self.nx_subap_pixels = self.config.pxlsPerSubap self.fft_oversamp = self.config.fftOversamp self.nx_guard_pixels = self.config.nx_guard_pixels self.subap_threshold = self.config.subapThreshold # Calculate some others self.pixel_scale =self.subap_fov / self.nx_subap_pixels self.subap_fov_rad = self.subap_fov * numpy.pi / (180. * 3600) self.subap_diam = self.telescope_diameter/self.nx_subaps self.nm_to_rad = 1e-9 * (2 * numpy.pi) / self.wavelength # spacing between subaps in pupil Plane (size "pupilSize") self.nx_subap_pupil = float(self.pupil_size)/self.nx_subaps # Spacing on the "FOV Plane" - the number of elements required # for the correct subap FOV (from way FFT "phase" to "image" works) self.nx_subap_interp = int(round( self.subap_diam * self.subap_fov_rad/ self.config.wavelength)) # make twice as big to double subap FOV (unless told not to!) if self.config.subapFieldStop==True: self.SUBAP_OVERSIZE = 1 else: self.SUBAP_OVERSIZE = 2 self.nx_detector_pixels = self.nx_subaps * (self.nx_subap_pixels + self.nx_guard_pixels) + self.nx_guard_pixels self.nx_subap_interp *= self.SUBAP_OVERSIZE self.nx_subap_pixels_oversize = self.SUBAP_OVERSIZE * self.nx_subap_pixels # The total size of the required EField for all subaps. # Extra scaling to account for simSize padding self.nx_interp_efield = int(round( self.nx_subaps*self.nx_subap_interp* (float(self.sim_size)/self.pupil_size) )) # If physical prop, must always be at same pixel scale # If not, can use less phase points for speed if self.config.propagationMode=="Physical": # This the pixel scale required for the correct FOV out_pixel_scale = (float(self.sim_size) / float(self.nx_interp_efield)) * self.phase_scale self.los.calcInitParams( out_pixel_scale=out_pixel_scale, nx_out_pixels=self.nx_interp_efield) # Calculate the subaps that are actually seen behind the pupil mask self.findActiveSubaps() self.referenceImage = self.config.referenceImage self.n_measurements = 2 * self.n_subaps self.thread_pool = numbalib.ThreadPool(self.threads)
[docs] def initLos(self): """ Initialises the ``LineOfSight`` object, which gets the phase or EField in a given direction through turbulence. """ self.los = lineofsight.LineOfSight( self.config, self.soapy_config, propagation_direction="down")
[docs] def findActiveSubaps(self): ''' Finds the subapertures which are not empty space determined if mean of subap coords of the mask is above threshold. ''' mask = self.mask[ self.sim_pad : -self.sim_pad, self.sim_pad : -self.sim_pad ] (self.pupil_subap_coords, self.detector_subap_coords, self.valid_subap_coords, self.detector_cent_coords, self.subap_fill_factor) = findActiveSubaps( self.nx_subaps, mask, self.subap_threshold, self.nx_subap_pixels, self.SUBAP_OVERSIZE, self.nx_guard_pixels) self.interp_subap_coords = numpy.round( (self.pupil_subap_coords + self.sim_pad) * self.nx_subap_interp / self.nx_subap_pupil) self.n_subaps = int(self.pupil_subap_coords.shape[0]) self.n_measurements = 2 * self.n_subaps self.setMask(self.mask)
def setMask(self, mask): super(ShackHartmann, self).setMask(mask) # Find the mask to apply to the scaled EField self.scaledMask = numpy.round(interp.zoom( self.mask, self.nx_interp_efield)) p = self.sim_pad self.subapFillFactor = wfs.computeFillFactor( self.mask[p:-p, p:-p], self.pupil_subap_coords, round(float(self.pupil_size)/self.nx_subaps) )
[docs] def initFFTs(self): """ Initialise the FFT Objects required for running the WFS Initialised various FFT objects which are used through the WFS, these include FFTs to calculate focal planes, and to convolve LGS PSFs with the focal planes """ #Calculate the FFT padding to use self.subapFFTPadding = self.nx_subap_pixels_oversize * self.config.fftOversamp if self.subapFFTPadding < self.nx_subap_interp: while self.subapFFTPadding<self.nx_subap_interp: self.config.fftOversamp+=1 self.subapFFTPadding\ =self.nx_subap_pixels_oversize*self.config.fftOversamp logger.warning("requested WFS FFT Padding less than FOV size... Setting oversampling to: %d"%self.config.fftOversamp) #Init the FFT to the focal plane # self.FFT = AOFFT.FFT( # inputSize=( # self.n_subaps, self.subapFFTPadding, self.subapFFTPadding), # axes=(-2,-1), mode="pyfftw",dtype=CDTYPE, # THREADS=self.threads, # fftw_FLAGS=(self.config.fftwFlag,"FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT")) self.fft_input_data = pyfftw.empty_aligned( (self.n_subaps, self.subapFFTPadding, self.subapFFTPadding), dtype=CDTYPE) self.fft_output_data = pyfftw.empty_aligned( (self.n_subaps, self.subapFFTPadding, self.subapFFTPadding), dtype=CDTYPE) self.FFT = pyfftw.FFTW( self.fft_input_data, self.fft_output_data, axes=(-2, -1), threads=self.threads, flags=(self.config.fftwFlag, "FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT") ) # If LGS uplink, init FFTs to conovolve LGS PSF and WFS PSF(s) # This works even if no lgsConfig.uplink as ``and`` short circuits if self.lgsConfig and self.lgsConfig.uplink: self.ifft_input_data = pyfftw.empty_aligned( (self.n_subaps, self.subapFFTPadding, self.subapFFTPadding), dtype=CDTYPE) self.ifft_output_data = pyfftw.empty_aligned( (self.n_subaps, self.subapFFTPadding, self.subapFFTPadding), dtype=CDTYPE) self.iFFT = pyfftw.FFTW( self.ifft_input_data, self.ifft_output_data, axes=(-2, -1), threads=self.threads, flags=(self.config.fftwFlag, "FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT"), direction="FFTW_BACKWARD" ) self.lgs_ifft_input_data = pyfftw.empty_aligned( (self.subapFFTPadding, self.subapFFTPadding), dtype=CDTYPE) self.lgs_ifft_output_data = pyfftw.empty_aligned( (self.subapFFTPadding, self.subapFFTPadding), dtype=CDTYPE) self.lgs_iFFT = pyfftw.FFTW( self.lgs_ifft_input_data, self.lgs_ifft_output_data, axes=(0, 1), threads=self.threads, flags=(self.config.fftwFlag, "FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT"), direction="FFTW_BACKWARD" )
def initLGS(self): super(ShackHartmann, self).initLGS() if self.lgsConfig.uplink: lgsObj = getattr( LGS, "LGS_{}".format(self.lgsConfig.propagationMode)) self.lgs = lgsObj( self.config, self.soapy_config, nOutPxls=self.subapFFTPadding, outPxlScale=float(self.config.subapFOV)/self.subapFFTPadding )
[docs] def allocDataArrays(self): """ Allocate the data arrays the WFS will require Determines and allocates the various arrays the WFS will require to avoid having to re-alloc memory during the running of the WFS and keep it fast. """ self.los.allocDataArrays() self.interp_phase = numpy.zeros( (self.nx_interp_efield, self.nx_interp_efield), dtype=DTYPE) self.interp_efield = numpy.zeros( (self.nx_interp_efield, self.nx_interp_efield), dtype=CDTYPE) self.subap_interp_efield=numpy.zeros( (self.n_subaps, self.nx_subap_interp, self.nx_subap_interp), dtype=CDTYPE) self.binnedFPSubapArrays = numpy.zeros( (self.n_subaps, self.nx_subap_pixels_oversize, self.nx_subap_pixels_oversize), dtype=DTYPE) self.subap_focus_intensity = numpy.zeros( (self.n_subaps, self.subapFFTPadding, self.subapFFTPadding), dtype=DTYPE) self.temp_subap_intensity = self.subap_focus_intensity.copy() self.detector = numpy.zeros( (self.nx_detector_pixels, self.nx_detector_pixels), dtype=DTYPE) #Array used when centroiding subaps self.centSubapArrays = numpy.zeros( (self.n_subaps, self.config.pxlsPerSubap, self.config.pxlsPerSubap)) self.slopes = numpy.zeros(2 * self.n_subaps) # compatablity... self.wfsDetectorPlane = self.detector
[docs] def calcTiltCorrect(self): """ Calculates the required tilt to add to avoid the PSF being centred on only 1 pixel """ if not self.config.pxlsPerSubap%2: # If pxlsPerSubap is even # Angle we need to correct for half a pixel theta = self.SUBAP_OVERSIZE*self.subap_fov_rad/ ( 2*self.subapFFTPadding) # Magnitude of tilt required to get that angle A = theta * self.subap_diam/(2*self.config.wavelength)*2*numpy.pi # Create tilt arrays and apply magnitude coords = numpy.linspace(-1, 1, self.nx_subap_interp) X,Y = numpy.meshgrid(coords,coords) self.tilt_fix = -1 * A * (X + Y) else: self.tilt_fix = numpy.zeros((self.nx_subap_interp,) * 2) self.tilt_fix_efield = numpy.exp(1j * (self.tilt_fix))
[docs] def getStatic(self): """ Computes the static measurements, i.e., slopes with flat wavefront """ self.staticData = None # Make flat wavefront, and run through WFS in iMat mode to turn off features phs = numpy.zeros([self.los.n_layers, self.screen_size, self.screen_size]).astype(DTYPE) self.staticData = self.frame( phs, iMatFrame=True).copy().reshape(2, self.n_subaps)
[docs] def zeroData(self, detector=True, FP=True): """ Sets data structures in WFS to zero. Parameters: detector (bool, optional): Zero the detector? default:True FP (bool, optional): Zero intermediate focal plane arrays? default: True """ self.zeroPhaseData() if FP: self.subap_focus_intensity[:] = 0 if detector: self.detector[:] = 0
[docs] def calcFocalPlane(self, intensity=1): ''' Calculates the wfs focal plane, given the phase across the WFS Parameters: intensity (float): The relative intensity of this frame, is used when multiple WFS frames taken for extended sources. ''' if self.config.propagationMode=="Geometric": # Have to make phase the correct size if geometric prop numbalib.wfs.zoomtoefield(self.los.phase, self.interp_efield, thread_pool=self.thread_pool) else: self.interp_efield = self.EField # Create an array of individual subap EFields self.fft_input_data[:] = 0 numbalib.wfs.chop_subaps_mask_pool( self.interp_efield, self.interp_subap_coords, self.nx_subap_interp, self.fft_input_data, self.scaledMask, thread_pool=self.thread_pool) self.fft_input_data[:, :self.nx_subap_interp, :self.nx_subap_interp] *= self.tilt_fix_efield self.FFT() self.temp_subap_focus = AOFFT.ftShift2d(self.fft_output_data) numbalib.abs_squared(self.temp_subap_focus, out=self.subap_focus_intensity) if intensity != 1: self.subap_focus_intensity *= intensity
[docs] def makeDetectorPlane(self): ''' Scales and bins intensity data onto the detector with a given number of pixels. If required, will first convolve final PSF with LGS PSF, then bin PSF down to detector size. Finally puts back into ``wfsFocalPlane`` array in correct order. ''' # If required, convolve with LGS PSF if self.config.lgs and self.lgs and self.lgsConfig.uplink and self.iMat!=True: self.applyLgsUplink() # bins back down to correct size and then # fits them back in to a focal plane array self.binnedFPSubapArrays[:] = 0 numbalib.wfs.bin_imgs_pool( self.subap_focus_intensity, self.config.fftOversamp, self.binnedFPSubapArrays, thread_pool=self.thread_pool) # Scale each sub-ap flux by sub-aperture fill-factor self.binnedFPSubapArrays\ = (self.binnedFPSubapArrays.T * self.subapFillFactor).T numbalib.wfs.place_subaps_on_detector( self.binnedFPSubapArrays, self.detector, self.detector_subap_coords, self.valid_subap_coords) # Scale data for correct number of photons self.detector /= self.detector.sum() self.detector *= photons_per_mag( self.config.GSMag, self.mask, self.phase_scale, self.config.exposureTime, self.soapy_config.sim.photometric_zp )# * self.config.throughput if self.config.photonNoise: self.addPhotonNoise() if self.config.eReadNoise!=0: self.addReadNoise()
[docs] def calculateSlopes(self): ''' Calculates WFS slopes from wfsFocalPlane Returns: ndarray: array of all WFS measurements ''' numbalib.wfs.chop_subaps( self.detector, self.detector_cent_coords, self.nx_subap_pixels, self.centSubapArrays, threads=self.threads) slopes = getattr(centroiders, self.config.centMethod)( self.centSubapArrays, threshold=self.config.centThreshold, ref=self.referenceImage ) # If no light in a sub-ap may get NaNs slopes = numpy.nan_to_num(slopes) # shift slopes relative to subap centre and remove static offsets slopes -= self.config.pxlsPerSubap/2.0 if numpy.any(self.staticData): slopes -= self.staticData self.slopes[:] = slopes.reshape(self.n_subaps * 2) if self.config.removeTT == True: self.slopes[:self.n_subaps] -= self.slopes[:self.n_subaps].mean() self.slopes[self.n_subaps:] -= self.slopes[self.n_subaps:].mean() if self.config.angleEquivNoise and not self.iMat: pxlEquivNoise = ( self.config.angleEquivNoise * float(self.config.pxlsPerSubap) /self.config.subapFOV ) self.slopes += numpy.random.normal( 0, pxlEquivNoise, 2*self.n_subaps) return self.slopes
[docs] def addPhotonNoise(self): """ Add photon noise to ``wfsDetectorPlane`` using ``numpy.random.poisson`` """ self.detector[:] = numpy.random.poisson(self.detector).astype(DTYPE)
[docs] def addReadNoise(self): """ Adds read noise to ``wfsDetectorPlane using ``numpy.random.normal``. This generates a normal (guassian) distribution of random numbers to add to the detector. Any CCD bias is assumed to have been removed, so the distribution is centred around 0. The width of the distribution is determined by the value `eReadNoise` set in the WFS configuration. """ self.detector += numpy.random.normal( 0, self.config.eReadNoise, self.wfsDetectorPlane.shape )
def findActiveSubaps( nx_subaps, mask, threshold, nx_subap_pixels, subap_oversize, guard=0): ''' Finds the subapertures which are "seen" be through the pupil function. Returns the coords of those subaps Parameters: nx_subaps (int): The number of subaps in x (assumes square) mask (ndarray): A pupil mask, where is transparent when 1, and opaque when 0 threshold (float): The mean value across a subap to make it "active" nx_subap_pixels (int): Pixels per subaperture on detector subap_oversize (int): Factor that subap is "oversized" on detector guard (int, optional): Guard pixels between sub-apertures Returns: ndarray: An array of active subap coords ''' pupil_coords = [] x_spacing = mask.shape[0]/float(nx_subaps) y_spacing = mask.shape[1]/float(nx_subaps) detector_coords = [] subap_coords = [] detector_cent_coords = [] fills = [] nx_oversize_subap = subap_oversize * nx_subap_pixels # number of pixels on oversized subap detector_pad = (nx_oversize_subap - nx_subap_pixels) / 2. # Pad on each side of subap nx_detector_pixels = nx_subaps * nx_subap_pixels + (nx_subaps + 1) * guard # Total number of detector pixels for x in range(nx_subaps): for y in range(nx_subaps): subap = mask[ int(numpy.round(x*x_spacing)): int(numpy.round((x+1)*x_spacing)), int(numpy.round(y*y_spacing)): int(numpy.round((y+1)*y_spacing)) ] if subap.mean() >= threshold: pupil_coords.append( [x * x_spacing, y * y_spacing]) fills.append(subap.mean()) detector_cent_coords.append([ x * nx_subap_pixels + (x+1) * guard, y * nx_subap_pixels + (y+1) * guard]) dx1 = x * nx_subap_pixels - detector_pad + (x+1) * guard dx2 = (x + 1) * nx_subap_pixels + detector_pad + (x+1) * guard dy1 = y * nx_subap_pixels - detector_pad + (y+1) * guard dy2 = (y + 1) * nx_subap_pixels + detector_pad + (y+1) * guard detector_coords.append([dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2]) if dx1 < 0: sx1 = -dx1 else: sx1 = 0 if dx2 > nx_detector_pixels: sx2 = -(dx2 - nx_detector_pixels) else: sx2 = nx_oversize_subap if dy1 < 0: sy1 = -dy1 else: sy1 = 0 if dy2 > nx_detector_pixels: sy2 = -(dy2 - nx_detector_pixels) else: sy2 = nx_oversize_subap subap_coords.append([sx1, sx2, sy1, sy2]) pupil_coords = numpy.array(pupil_coords).astype('int32') detector_coords = numpy.array(detector_coords) detector_coords = detector_coords.clip(0, nx_detector_pixels).astype('int32') subap_coords = numpy.array(subap_coords).astype('int32') detector_cent_coords = numpy.array(detector_cent_coords) return pupil_coords, detector_coords, subap_coords, detector_cent_coords, numpy.array(fills) def photons_per_mag(mag, mask, phase_scale, exposureTime, zeropoint): """ Calculates the number of photons per guide star magnitude Parameters: mag (int): Magnitude of guide star mask (ndarray): 2-d pupil mask. 1 if aperture clear, 0 if not phase_scale (float): Size of pupil mask pixel in metres exposureTime (float): WFS exposure time in seconds zeropoint (float): Photometric zeropoint of mag 0 star in photons/metre^2/seconds Returns: float: photons per WFS frame """ # ZP of telescope n_photons = float(zeropoint) * mask.sum() * phase_scale**2 # N photons for mag and exposure time n_photons *= (10**(-float(mag)/2.5)) * exposureTime return n_photons