Data Sources

In this section, the data sources which are stored in soapy are listed and a description of how they are obtained is given.

Simulation Run Data

The following sources of data are recorded for each simulation run and are saved as a fits file in a time stamped run specific directory inside the simName directory. They can be accessed by sim.<data>, where <data> is listed in the “Internal data structure” column. As the storing of some of these data sources can increase memory usage significantly, they are not all saved by default, and the flag must be set in the configuration file.

Data Saved filename Internal data structure Description
Instantaneous Strehl ratio instStrehl.fits instStrehl The instantaneous strehl ratio for each science target frame
Long exposure Strehl ratio longStrehl.fits longStrehl The long exposure strehl ratio for each science target frame
Wavefront Error WFE.fits WFE The corrected wave- front error for each science target in nm
Science PSF sciPsf_n.fits sciImgs[n] The science camera PSFs where n indicates the camera number
Residual Science phase sciResidual_n .fits sciPhase[n] The residual uncorrected phase across science target n
WFS measurements slopes.fits allSlopes All WFS measurements stored in a numpy array of size (nIters, totalSlopes)
WFS Frames wfsFPFrames/ wfs-n_frame-i .fits sim.wfss[n]. wfsDetectorPlane WFS detector image, only last frame stored in memory. Can save each frame, i, from wfs n
DM Commands dmCommands.fits allDmCommands DM commands for all DMs present in numpy of size (nIters, totaldmCommands)