Simulation Design

Data flow and modularity

Soapy has been designed from the beginning to be extremely modular, where each AO component can be used individually. In fact, the file, really only acts as a shepherd, moving data around between the components, with some fancy bits for saving data and printing nice outputs. A simple control loop to replace that file could be written from scratch in only 5-10 lines of Python!

This modularity is well illustrated by a data flow diagram describing the simulations, show in Figure 1, below.


Figure 1. Soapy Data Flow

Class Hierarchy

Pythons Object Orientated nature has also been exploited. Categories of AO component have a base class, which deals with most of the interfaces to the main simulation module and other boiler-plate style code. The classes which represent actual AO modules inherit this base class, and hopefully need only add interesting functionality specific to that new component. This is illustrated in the class diagram in Figure 2, with some example methods and attributes of each class.


Figure 2. Class diagram with example attributes and methods

It is aimed that in future developments of Soapy, this philosophy will be extended. Currently the WFS, science camera and LGS modules all deal with optical propagation through turbulence separately, clearly this should be combined into one place to ease code readability and maintenance. This work is currently under development. Figure 3 shows all the Soapy classes in a simplified class diagram, including the new LineOfSight class currently under construction.


Figure 3. Full, simplified class diagram with the lineOfSight class under construction.