Source code for soapy.lineofsight

A generalised module to provide phase or the EField through a "Line Of Sight"

Line of Sight Object
The module contains a 'lineOfSight' object, which calculates the resulting phase or complex amplitude from propogating through the atmosphere in a given
direction. This can be done using either geometric propagation, where phase is simply summed for each layer, or physical propagation, where the phase is propagated between layers using an angular spectrum propagation method. Light can propogate either up or down.

The Object takes a 'config' as an argument, which is likely to be the same config object as the module using it (WFSs, ScienceCams, or LGSs). It should contain paramters required, such as the observation direction and light wavelength. The `config` also determines whether to use physical or geometric propagation through the 'propagationMode' parameter.


    from soapy import confParse, lineofsight

    # Initialise a soapy conifuration file
    config = confParse.loadSoapyConfig('conf/')

    # Can make a 'LineOfSight' for WFSs
    los = lineofsight.LineOfSight(config.wfss[0], config)

    # Get resulting complex amplitude through line of sight
    EField = los.frame(some_phase_screens)


import numpy

from aotools import opticalpropagation

from . import logger, interp
from . import numbalib

DTYPE = numpy.float32
CDTYPE = numpy.complex64

# Python3 compatability
except NameError:
    xrange = range

RAD2ASEC = 206264.849159

[docs]class LineOfSight(object): """ A "Line of sight" through a number of turbulence layers in the atmosphere, observing ing a given direction. Parameters: config: The soapy config for the line of sight simConfig: The soapy simulation config object propagationDirection (str, optional): Direction of light propagation, either `"up"` or `"down"` outPxlScale (float, optional): The EField pixel scale required at the output (m/pxl) nOutPxls (int, optional): Number of pixels to return in EFIeld mask (ndarray, optional): Mask to apply at the *beginning* of propagation metaPupilPos (list, dict, optional): A list or dictionary of the meta pupil position at each turbulence layer height ub metres. If None, works it out from GS position. """ def __init__( self, config, soapyConfig, propagation_direction="down", out_pixel_scale=None, nx_out_pixels=None, mask=None, metaPupilPos=None): self.config = config self.soapy_config = soapyConfig self.pupil_size = self.soapy_config.sim.pupilSize self.phase_pixel_scale = 1./self.soapy_config.sim.pxlScale self.sim_size = self.soapy_config.sim.simSize self.wavelength = self.config.wavelength self.telescope_diameter = self.source_altitude = self.height self.nx_scrn_size = self.soapy_config.sim.scrnSize self.n_layers = self.soapy_config.atmos.scrnNo self.layer_altitudes = self.soapy_config.atmos.scrnHeights self.n_dm = self.soapy_config.sim.nDM self.dm_altitudes = numpy.array([self.soapy_config.dms[dm_n].altitude for dm_n in range(self.n_dm)]) # If the line of sight has a launch position, must include in calculations! Conver to metres from centre of telescope try: self.launch_position = self.config.launchPosition * self.telescope_diameter/2. except AttributeError: self.launch_position = numpy.array([0, 0]) self.threads = self.soapy_config.sim.threads self.simConfig = soapyConfig.sim self.atmosConfig = soapyConfig.atmos self.mask = mask self.propagation_direction = propagation_direction self.calcInitParams(out_pixel_scale, nx_out_pixels) self.allocDataArrays() # Can be set to use other values as metapupil position self.metaPupilPos = metaPupilPos self.thread_pool = numbalib.ThreadPool(self.threads) # Some attributes for compatability between WFS and others @property def height(self): try: return self.config.height except AttributeError: return self.config.GSHeight @height.setter def height(self, height): try: self.config.height self.config.height = height except AttributeError: self.config.GSHeight self.config.GSHeight = height @property def position(self): try: return self.config.position except AttributeError: return self.config.GSPosition @position.setter def position(self, position): try: self.config.position self.config.position = position except AttributeError: self.config.GSPosition self.config.GSPosition = position ############################################################ # Initialisation routines
[docs] def calcInitParams(self, out_pixel_scale=None, nx_out_pixels=None): """ Calculates some parameters required later Parameters: outPxlScale (float): Pixel scale of required phase/EField (metres/pxl) nOutPxls (int): Size of output array in pixels """ logger.debug("Calculate LOS Init PArams!") # Convert phase deviation to radians at wfs wavelength. # (currently in nm remember...?) self.phs2Rad = 2*numpy.pi/(self.wavelength * 10**9) # Get the size of the phase required by the system self.in_pixel_scale = self.phase_pixel_scale if out_pixel_scale is None: self.out_pixel_scale = self.phase_pixel_scale else: self.out_pixel_scale = out_pixel_scale if nx_out_pixels is None: self.nx_out_pixels = self.simConfig.simSize else: self.nx_out_pixels = nx_out_pixels if self.mask is not None: self.outMask = interp.zoom( self.mask, self.nx_out_pixels).round() else: self.outMask = None self.output_phase_diameter = self.nx_out_pixels * self.out_pixel_scale # Calculate coords of phase at each altitude self.layer_metapupil_coords = numpy.zeros((self.n_layers, 2, self.nx_out_pixels)) for i in range(self.n_layers): x1, x2, y1, y2 = self.calculate_altitude_coords(self.layer_altitudes[i]) self.layer_metapupil_coords[i, 0] = numpy.linspace(x1, x2-1, self.nx_out_pixels) self.layer_metapupil_coords[i, 1] = numpy.linspace(y1, y2-1, self.nx_out_pixels) # ensure coordinates aren't out of bounds for interpolation self.layer_metapupil_coords = self.layer_metapupil_coords.clip(0, self.nx_scrn_size - 1.000000001) # Calculate coords of phase at each DM altitude self.dm_metapupil_coords = numpy.zeros((self.n_dm, 2, self.nx_out_pixels)) for i in range(self.n_dm): x1, x2, y1, y2 = self.calculate_altitude_coords(self.dm_altitudes[i]) self.dm_metapupil_coords[i, 0] = numpy.linspace(x1, x2-1, self.nx_out_pixels) self.dm_metapupil_coords[i, 1] = numpy.linspace(y1, y2-1, self.nx_out_pixels) self.dm_metapupil_coords = self.dm_metapupil_coords.clip(0, self.nx_scrn_size - 1.000000001) self.radii = None self.phase_screens = numpy.zeros((self.n_layers, self.nx_out_pixels, self.nx_out_pixels)) self.correction_screens = numpy.zeros((self.n_dm, self.nx_out_pixels, self.nx_out_pixels)) self.phase_correction = numpy.zeros((self.nx_out_pixels, self.nx_out_pixels))
[docs] def calculate_altitude_coords(self, layer_altitude): """ Calculate the co-ordinates of vertices of fo the meta-pupil at altitude given a guide star direction and source altitude Paramters: layer_altitude (float): Altitude of phase layer """ direction_radians = ASEC2RAD * numpy.array(self.position) centre = (direction_radians * layer_altitude) # If propagating up must account for launch position if self.propagation_direction == "up": centre += self.launch_position * (1 - layer_altitude/self.source_altitude) if self.source_altitude != 0: meta_pupil_size = self.output_phase_diameter * (1 - layer_altitude / self.source_altitude) else: meta_pupil_size = self.output_phase_diameter x1 = ((centre[0] - meta_pupil_size / 2.) / self.in_pixel_scale) + self.nx_scrn_size / 2. x2 = ((centre[0] + meta_pupil_size / 2.) / self.in_pixel_scale) + self.nx_scrn_size / 2. y1 = ((centre[1] - meta_pupil_size / 2.) / self.in_pixel_scale) + self.nx_scrn_size / 2. y2 = ((centre[1] + meta_pupil_size / 2.) / self.in_pixel_scale) + self.nx_scrn_size / 2. logger.debug("Layer Altitude: {}".format(layer_altitude)) logger.debug("Coords: x1: {}, x2: {}, y1: {}, y2: {}".format(x1, x2, y1, y2)) return x1, x2, y1, y2
[docs] def allocDataArrays(self): """ Allocate the data arrays the LOS will require Determines and allocates the various arrays the LOS will require to avoid having to re-alloc memory during the running of the LOS and keep it fast. This includes arrays for phase and the E-Field across the LOS """ self.phase = numpy.zeros([self.nx_out_pixels] * 2, dtype=DTYPE) self.EField = numpy.ones([self.nx_out_pixels] * 2, dtype=CDTYPE)
[docs] def zeroData(self, **kwargs): """ Sets the phase and complex amp data to zero """ self.EField[:] = 1 self.phase[:] = 0
[docs] def makePhase(self, radii=None, apos=None): """ Generates the required phase or EField. Uses difference approach depending on whether propagation is geometric or physical (makePhaseGeometric or makePhasePhys respectively) Parameters: radii (dict, optional): Radii of each meta pupil of each screen height in pixels. If not given uses pupil radius. apos (ndarray, optional): The angular position of the GS in radians. If not set, will use the config position """ for i in range(self.scrns.shape[0]): numbalib.bilinear_interp( self.scrns[i], self.layer_metapupil_coords[i, 0], self.layer_metapupil_coords[i, 1], self.phase_screens[i], self.thread_pool, bounds_check=False) # Check if geometric or physical if self.config.propagationMode == "Physical": return self.makePhasePhys(radii) else: return self.makePhaseGeometric(radii)
[docs] def makePhaseGeometric(self, radii=None, apos=None): ''' Creates the total phase along line of sight offset by a given angle using a geometric ray tracing approach Parameters: radii (dict, optional): Radii of each meta pupil of each screen height in pixels. If not given uses pupil radius. apos (ndarray, optional): The angular position of the GS in radians. If not set, will use the config position ''' self.phase_screens.sum(0, out=self.phase) # Convert phase to radians self.phase *= self.phs2Rad # Change sign if propagating up if self.propagation_direction == 'up': self.phase *= -1 self.EField[:] = numpy.exp(1j*self.phase) return self.EField
[docs] def makePhasePhys(self, radii=None, apos=None): ''' Finds total line of sight complex amplitude by propagating light through phase screens Parameters: radii (dict, optional): Radii of each meta pupil of each screen height in pixels. If not given uses pupil radius. apos (ndarray, optional): The angular position of the GS in radians. If not set, will use the config position ''' self.EField[:] = physical_atmosphere_propagation( self.phase_screens, self.outMask, self.layer_altitudes, self.source_altitude, self.wavelength, self.out_pixel_scale, propagation_direction=self.propagation_direction) return self.EField
[docs] def performCorrection(self, correction): """ Corrects the aberrated line of sight with some given correction phase Parameters: correction (list or ndarray): either 2-d array describing correction, or list of correction arrays """ for i in range(correction.shape[0]): numbalib.bilinear_interp( correction[i], self.dm_metapupil_coords[i, 0], self.dm_metapupil_coords[i, 1], self.correction_screens[i], self.thread_pool, bounds_check=False) self.correction_screens.sum(0, out=self.phase_correction) # Correct EField self.EField *= numpy.exp(-1j * self.phase_correction * self.phs2Rad) # Also correct phase in case its required self.residual = self.phase / self.phs2Rad - self.phase_correction self.phase = self.residual * self.phs2Rad
[docs] def frame(self, scrns=None, correction=None): ''' Runs one frame through a line of sight Finds the phase or complex amplitude through line of sight for a single simulation frame, with a given set of phase screens and some optional correction. Parameters: scrns (list): A list or dict containing the phase screens correction (ndarray, optional): The correction term to take from the phase screens before the WFS is run. read (bool, optional): Should the WFS be read out? if False, then WFS image is calculated but slopes not calculated. defaults to True. Returns: ndarray: WFS Measurements ''' self.zeroData() if scrns is not None: if scrns.ndim==2: scrns.shape = 1, scrns.shape[0], scrns.shape[1] self.scrns = scrns self.makePhase(self.radii) self.residual = self.phase if correction is not None: self.performCorrection(correction) return self.residual
[docs]def physical_atmosphere_propagation( phase_screens, output_mask, layer_altitudes, source_altitude, wavelength, output_pixel_scale, propagation_direction="up"): ''' Finds total line of sight complex amplitude by propagating light through phase screens Parameters: radii (dict, optional): Radii of each meta pupil of each screen height in pixels. If not given uses pupil radius. apos (ndarray, optional): The angular position of the GS in radians. If not set, will use the config position ''' scrnNo = len(phase_screens) z_total = 0 scrnRange = range(0, scrnNo) nx_output_pixels = phase_screens[0].shape[0] phs2Rad = 2 * numpy.pi / (wavelength * 10 ** 9) # Get initial up/down dependent params if propagation_direction == "up": ht = 0 ht_final = source_altitude if ht_final==0: raise ValueError("Can't propagate up to infinity") scrnAlts = layer_altitudes EFieldBuf = output_mask.copy().astype(CDTYPE) logger.debug("Create EField Buf of mask") else: ht = layer_altitudes[scrnNo-1] ht_final = 0 scrnRange = scrnRange[::-1] scrnAlts = layer_altitudes[::-1] EFieldBuf = numpy.exp( 1j*numpy.zeros((nx_output_pixels,) * 2)).astype(CDTYPE) logger.debug("Create EField Buf of zero phase") # Propagate to first phase screen (if not already there) if ht!=scrnAlts[0]: logger.debug("propagate to first phase screen") z = abs(scrnAlts[0] - ht) EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum( EFieldBuf, wavelength, output_pixel_scale, output_pixel_scale, z) # Go through and propagate between phase screens for i in scrnRange: phase = phase_screens[i] # print("Got phase") # Convert phase to radians phase *= phs2Rad # Change sign if propagating up if propagation_direction == 'up': phase *= -1 # print("Get distance") # Get propagation distance for this layer if i==(scrnNo-1): z = abs(ht_final - ht) - z_total else: z = abs(scrnAlts[i+1] - scrnAlts[i]) # Update total distance counter z_total += z # print("Make EField") # Apply phase to EField EFieldBuf *= numpy.exp(1j*phase) # Do ASP for last layer to next EFieldBuf[:] = opticalpropagation.angularSpectrum( EFieldBuf, wavelength, output_pixel_scale, output_pixel_scale, z) # logger.debug("Propagation: {}, {} m. Total: {}".format(i, z, z_total)) return EFieldBuf