Source code for soapy.LGS

#Copyright Durham University and Andrew Reeves

# This file is part of soapy.

#     soapy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.

#     soapy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.

#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with soapy.  If not, see <>.
import numpy

import aotools

from . import AOFFT, logger, lineofsight, interp
# from .aotools import circle, interp

#xrange now just "range" in python3.
#Following code means fastest implementation used in 2 and 3
except NameError:
    xrange = range

RAD2ASEC = 206265.

[docs]class LGS(object): ''' A class to simulate the propogation of a laser up through turbulence. Given a set of phase screens, this will return the PSF which would be present on-sky. Parameters: simConfig: The Soapy simulation config wfsConfig: The relavent Soapy WFS configuration atmosConfig: The relavent Soapy atmosphere configuration nOutPxls (int): Number of pixels required in output LGS outPxlScale (float): The pixel scale of the output LGS PSF in arcsecs per pixel ''' def __init__( self, wfsConfig, soapyConfig, nOutPxls=None, outPxlScale=None): # The LGS WFS config self.wfsConfig = wfsConfig self.config = wfsConfig.lgs self.soapyConfig = soapyConfig self.simConfig = soapyConfig.sim self.atmosConfig = soapyConfig.atmos self.outPxlScale = outPxlScale self.nOutPxls = nOutPxls # get this no of pixels from the LOS if not other wise told # Change in ``calcInitParams`` if you want more or less self.losNOutPxls = self.nOutPxls self.losOutPxlScale = self.outPxlScale self.config.position = self.wfsConfig.GSPosition self.losMask = None self.calcInitParams() self.initLos() self.initFFTs()
[docs] def calcInitParams(self): pass
[docs] def initFFTs(self): """ Virtual Method as many LGS implentations will require extra FFTs """ pass
[docs] def initLos(self): """ Initialises the ``LineOfSight`` object, which gets the phase or EField in a given direction through turbulence. """ # Init the line of sight object for light propation through turbulence self.los = lineofsight.LineOfSight( self.config, self.soapyConfig, propagation_direction="up", nx_out_pixels=self.losNOutPxls, mask=self.losMask, out_pixel_scale=self.losOutPxlScale, ) # Find central position of the LGS pupil at each altitude. self.los.metaPupilPos = {} for i in xrange(self.atmosConfig.scrnNo): self.los.metaPupilPos[i] = lgsOALaunchMetaPupilPos( self.config.position, numpy.array(self.config.launchPosition)*self.los.telescope_diameter/2., self.config.height, self.atmosConfig.scrnHeights[i] ) # Check position not too far from centre. May need more phase! maxPos = numpy.array( list(self.los.metaPupilPos.values())).max() maxPos*=self.simConfig.pxlScale if 2*(maxPos+self.simConfig.pupilSize/2.) > self.simConfig.simSize: logger.warning( "LGS far off-axis - likely need to make simOversize bigger")
[docs] def getLgsPsf(self, scrns): logger.debug("Get LGS PSF") self.los.frame(scrns) self.EField = self.los.EField self.phase = self.los.phase
[docs]class LGS_Geometric(LGS): ''' A class to simulate the propogation of a laser up through turbulence using a geometric algorithm. Given a set of phase screens, this will return the PSF which would be present on-sky. Parameters: simConfig: The Soapy simulation config wfsConfig: The relavent Soapy WFS configuration atmosConfig: The relavent Soapy atmosphere configuration nOutPxls (int): Number of pixels required in output LGS outPxlScale (float): The pixel scale of the output LGS PSF in arcsecs per pixel '''
[docs] def calcInitParams(self): """ Calculate some useful paramters to be used later """ self.lgsPupilPxls = int( round(self.config.pupilDiam * self.simConfig.pxlScale)) if self.outPxlScale is None: self.outPxlScale_m = 1./self.simConfig.pxlScale else: # The pixel scale in metres per pixel at the LGS altitude self.outPxlScale_m = (self.outPxlScale/3600.)*(numpy.pi/180.) * self.config.height # Get the angular scale in radians of the output array self.outPxlScale_rad = self.outPxlScale_m/self.config.height # The number of pixels required across the LGS image if self.nOutPxls is None: self.nOutPxls = self.simConfig.simSize # Field of fov of the requested LGS PSF image self.fov = (self.nOutPxls * self.outPxlScale_rad) * RAD2ASEC # The number of points required to get the correct FOV after the FFT fov_rad = self.fov / RAD2ASEC self.nFovPxls = int(round(fov_rad * self.config.pupilDiam / self.config.wavelength)) # The mask to apply before geometric FFTing self.mask =, self.nFovPxls) self.losNOutPxls = self.lgsPupilPxls self.losOutPxlScale = self.config.pupilDiam/self.lgsPupilPxls
[docs] def initFFTs(self): # FFT for geometric propagation self.FFT = AOFFT.FFT( (self.nOutPxls, self.nOutPxls), axes=(0,1), mode="pyfftw", dtype = "complex64",direction="FORWARD", THREADS=self.config.fftwThreads, fftw_FLAGS=(self.config.fftwFlag,"FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT") )
[docs] def getLgsPsf(self, scrns): super(LGS_Geometric, self).getLgsPsf(scrns) # Pick out lgs Pupil sized chunk of field in middle # coord = (self.los.EField.shape[0]-self.lgsPupilPxls)/2. # lgsEField = self.los.EField[coord: -coord, coord: -coord] # Scale to the desired size for LGS FOV lgsEField = interp.zoom(self.EField, self.nFovPxls)*self.mask self.FFT.inputData[:self.nFovPxls, :self.nFovPxls] = lgsEField self.psf = abs(AOFFT.ftShift2d(self.FFT())**2) return self.psf
[docs]class LGS_Physical(LGS): ''' A class to simulate the propogation of a laser up through turbulence using a geometric algorithm. Given a set of phase screens, this will return the PSF which would be present on-sky. Parameters: simConfig: The Soapy simulation config wfsConfig: The relavent Soapy WFS configuration atmosConfig: The relavent Soapy atmosphere configuration nOutPxls (int): Number of pixels required in output LGS outPxlScale (float): The pixel scale of the output LGS PSF in arcsecs per pixel '''
[docs] def calcInitParams(self): """ Calculate some useful paramters to be used later """ self.mask = 0.5*self.config.pupilDiam*self.simConfig.pxlScale, self.simConfig.simSize) if self.outPxlScale is None: self.outPxlScale_m = 1./self.simConfig.pxlScale else: # The pixel scale in metres per pixel at the LGS altitude self.outPxlScale_m = (self.outPxlScale / RAD2ASEC) * self.config.height # Get the angular scale in radians of the output array self.outPxlScale_rad = self.outPxlScale_m/self.config.height # The number of pixels required across the LGS image if self.nOutPxls is None: self.nOutPxls = self.simConfig.simSize # Field of fov of the requested LGS PSF image self.fov = (self.nOutPxls * self.outPxlScale_rad) * RAD2ASEC # The number of points required to get the correct FOV after the FFT fov_rad = self.fov / RAD2ASEC self.nFovPxls = (fov_rad * self.config.pupilDiam / self.config.wavelength) # The mask to apply before physical propagation self.lgsPupilPxls = int(round(self.config.pupilDiam/self.outPxlScale_m)) self.mask =, 3*self.nOutPxls) self.losMask = self.mask self.losOutPxlScale = self.outPxlScale_m self.losNOutPxls = 3*self.nOutPxls
[docs] def getLgsPsf(self, scrns=None): """ Return the LGS PSF to be used in WFS calculation """ super(LGS_Physical, self).getLgsPsf(scrns) # Pick out middle of oversized fov self.psf = abs(self.EField[ self.nOutPxls: -self.nOutPxls, self.nOutPxls: -self.nOutPxls])**2 return self.psf
[docs]def lgsOALaunchMetaPupilPos(gsPos, launchPos, lgsHt, layerHt): """ Finds the centre of a meta-pupil in the atmosphere sampled by an LGS launched from a position off-axis from the centre of the telescope. Parameters: gsPos (ndarray): The X,Y position of the guide star in arcsecs launchPos (ndarray): The X, Y launch position of the telescope in metres from the telescope centre lgsHt (float): The altitude of the LGS beacon layerHt (float): The height of the meta-pupil of interest Returns: ndarray: Position in X,Y from the on-axis line-of-sight of the meta-pupil centre. """ gsPos_rad = numpy.array(gsPos)/RAD2ASEC launchPos = numpy.array(launchPos) # Equation worked out painstakingly with vast number of triangles... # (please try out and verify!) pos = launchPos + layerHt * gsPos_rad - (layerHt * launchPos / lgsHt) return pos