Source code for soapy.AOFFT

#Copyright Durham University and Andrew Reeves

# This file is part of soapy.

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A Module to perform FFTs, wrapping a variety of FFT Backends in a common
Currently supports either pyfftw (requires FFTW3),
the scipy fftpack or some GPU algorithms

import numpy
from . import logger
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Process, Queue

    import pyfftw

    import reikna.cluda as cluda
    import reikna.fft

    import scipy.fftpack as fftpack

[docs]class FFT(object): ''' Class for performing FFTs in a variety of ways, with the same API. Once the class has been initialised, FFTs going in the same direction and using the same padding size can be performed with re-initialising. The inputSize set is actually the padding size, any array smaller than this can then be transformed. Usually, its best to best to pass the data when performing the fft, either calling the class directly (``fftobj(fftData)``) or calling the ``fft`` method of the class. If though, you're certain the array to transform is C-contiguous, and its size is the same as ``inputSize``, then you can set:: fftObj.inputData = fftData then:: outputData = fftObj() where ``fftData`` is the data to be transformed. This is faster, as it avoids an array copying operation, but is dangerous as the FFT may fail if the input data is not correct. Parameters: inputSize (tuple): The size of the input array, including any padding axes (tuple, optional): The axes to transform. defaults to the last. mode (string, optional): Which FFT library to use, can by ``'pyfftw'``, ``'scipy'`` or ``'gpu'``. Defaults to ``'pyfftw'``. dtype (str, optional): The data type to transform, defaults to ``'complex64'`` direction (str, optional): Forward or inverse FFT. Either `FORWARD` or `BACKWARD`. Default is `FORWARD`. THREADS (int, optional): Number of threads to use for FFT. Defualt is 1 ''' def __init__(self,inputSize, axes=(-1,),mode="pyfftw",dtype="complex64", direction="FORWARD",fftw_FLAGS=("FFTW_MEASURE","FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT"), THREADS=None, loggingLevel=None): self.axes = axes self.direction=direction if loggingLevel: logger.setLoggingLevel(loggingLevel) if mode=="gpu" or mode=="gpu_ocl" or mode=="gpu_cuda": if mode == "gpu": mode = "gpu_ocl" if REIKNA_AVAILABLE: if mode=="gpu_ocl": try: reikna_api = cluda.ocl_api() self.reikna_thread = reikna_api.Thread.create() self.FFTMODE="gpu" except: logger.warning("no reikna opencl available. \ will try cuda") mode = "gpu_cuda" if mode=="gpu_cuda": try: reikna_api = cluda.cuda_api() self.reikna_thread = reikna_api.Thread.create() self.FFTMODE="gpu" except: logger.warning("no cuda available. \ Switching to pyfftw") mode = "pyfftw" else: logger.warning("No gpu algorithms available\ switching to pyfftw") mode = "pyfftw" if mode=="pyfftw": if PYFFTW_AVAILABLE: self.FFTMODE = "pyfftw" else: logger.warning("No pyfftw available. \ Defaulting to scipy.fftpack") mode = "scipy" if mode=="scipy": if SCIPY_AVAILABLE: self.FFTMODE = "scipy" else: logger.warning("No scipy available - fft won't function.") if self.FFTMODE=="gpu": if direction=="FORWARD": self.inverse=1 elif direction=="BACKWARD": self.inverse=0 self.inputData = numpy.zeros( inputSize, dtype=dtype) inputData_dev = self.reikna_thread.to_device(self.inputData) self.outputData_dev = self.reikna_thread.array(inputSize, dtype=dtype)"Generating and compiling reikna gpu fft plan...") reikna_ft = reikna.fft.FFT(inputData_dev, axes=axes) self.reikna_ft_c = reikna_ft.compile(self.reikna_thread)"Done!") if self.FFTMODE=="pyfftw": if THREADS==None: THREADS=cpu_count() #fftw_FLAGS Set the optimisation level of fftw3, #(more optimisation takes longer - but gives quicker ffts.) #Can be FFTW_ESTIMATE, FFTW_MEASURE, FFT_PATIENT, FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE n = pyfftw.simd_alignment self.inputData = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty( inputSize,n, dtype) self.inputData[:] = numpy.zeros( inputSize, dtype=dtype) self.outputData = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(inputSize,n, dtype) self.outputData[:] = numpy.zeros( inputSize,dtype=dtype)"Generating fftw3 plan....\nIf this takes too long, change fftw_FLAGS.") logger.debug("currently set to: {})".format(fftw_FLAGS)) if direction=="FORWARD": self.fftwPlan = pyfftw.FFTW(self.inputData,self.outputData, axes=axes, threads=THREADS,flags=fftw_FLAGS) elif direction=="BACKWARD": self.fftwPlan = pyfftw.FFTW(self.inputData,self.outputData, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD', axes=axes, threads=THREADS,flags=fftw_FLAGS)"Done!") elif self.FFTMODE=="scipy": self.direction=direction self.inputData = numpy.zeros(inputSize,dtype=dtype) self.size=[] for i in range(len(self.axes)): self.size.append(inputSize[self.axes[i]]) def __call__(self, data=None): return self.fft(data)
[docs] def fft(self, data=None): """ Perform the fft of `data`. Parameters: data (ndarray, optional): The data to transform. Optional as sometimes it can be faster to access ``inputData`` directly, though if and only if the data will be c-contiguous. Returns: ndarray: The transformed data """ if self.FFTMODE=="pyfftw": if data is not None: self.inputData[:] = data if self.direction=="FORWARD": return self.fftwPlan() elif self.direction=="BACKWARD": return self.fftwPlan() elif self.FFTMODE=="gpu": if data is not None: self.inputData[:] = data inputData_dev = self.reikna_thread.to_device(self.inputData) self.reikna_ft_c(self.outputData_dev, inputData_dev, self.inverse) self.outputData = self.reikna_thread.from_device( self.outputData_dev) return self.outputData elif self.FFTMODE=="scipy": if data is not None: self.inputData = data if self.direction=="FORWARD": fft = fftpack.fftn(self.inputData, shape=self.size, axes=self.axes) elif self.direction=="BACKWARD": fft = fftpack.ifftn(self.inputData, shape=self.size,axes=self.axes) return fft
[docs]class mpFFT(object): ''' Class to perform FFTs on a large number of problems, using the FFT class, and seperate processes for different problems. The input array will be split in the 0 axis onto different processes ''' def __init__(self,inputSize, axes=(-1,),mode="pyfftw",dtype="complex64", direction="FORWARD",fftw_FLAGS=("FFTW_MEASURE",), processes=None): if processes==None: processes = cpu_count() if len(inputSize)<=len(axes): raise Exception("inputSize must be larger than transformed axes") self.inputData = numpy.zeros(inputSize,dtype=dtype) self.outputData = numpy.zeros(inputSize,dtype=dtype) self.processes = processes inputSize = list(inputSize) self.FFTs = [] for i in range(self.processes): procInputSize0 = (self.inputData[i::self.processes].shape[0]) print(procInputSize0) inputSize[0]=procInputSize0 procInputSize = tuple(inputSize) self.FFTs.append(FFT(procInputSize,axes,mode,dtype,direction, fftw_FLAGS,THREADS=1)) def __call__(self): return self.fft()
[docs] def fft(self): self.Qs = [] self.Ps =[] for i in range(self.processes): data = self.inputData[i::self.processes] self.Qs.append(Queue()) self.Ps.append(Process(target=self.doMpFFT, args=[self.FFTs[i],data,self.Qs[i]])) self.Ps[i].start() for i in range(self.processes): self.outputData[i::self.processes] = self.Qs[i].get() self.Ps[i].join() return self.outputData
[docs] def doMpFFT(self,fftObj,data,Q): fftObj.inputData[:]=data fftData = fftObj() Q.put(fftData)
[docs]def ftShift2d(inputData, outputData=None): """ Helper function to shift an array of 2-D FFT data Args: inputData(ndarray): array of data to be shifted. Will shift final 2 axes outputData(ndarray, optional): array to place data. If not given, will overwrite inputData """ if not outputData: outputData = inputData.view() shape = inputData.shape shape_1 = int(round(shape[-2]*0.5)) shape_2 = int(round(shape[-1]*0.5)) outputData[..., :shape_1, :shape_2] = inputData[..., :shape_1, :shape_2][...,::-1,::-1] outputData[..., shape_1:, :shape_2] = inputData[..., shape_1:, :shape_2][...,::-1,::-1] outputData[..., :shape_1, shape_2:] = inputData[..., :shape_1, shape_2:][...,::-1,::-1] outputData[..., shape_1:, shape_2:] = inputData[..., shape_1:, shape_2:][...,::-1,::-1] return outputData
[docs]class Convolve(object): def __init__( self, shape1, shape2=None, mode="pyfftw", fftw_FLAGS=("FFTW_MEASURE",), threads=0, axes=(-2, -1)): if shape2 is None: shape2 = shape1 else: # Check shapes are compatible if (shape1[axes[0]]!=shape2[axes[0]] or shape1[axes[1]]!=shape2[axes[1]]): raise ValueError( 'Shapes not compatible for convolution') # Initialise FFT objects self.fFFT = FFT(shape1, axes=axes, mode=mode, dtype="complex64",direction="FORWARD", fftw_FLAGS=fftw_FLAGS, THREADS=threads) self.iFFT1 = FFT(shape1, axes=axes, mode=mode, dtype="complex64",direction="BACKWARD", fftw_FLAGS=fftw_FLAGS, THREADS=threads) self.iFFT2 = FFT(shape2, axes=axes, mode=mode, dtype="complex64",direction="BACKWARD", fftw_FLAGS=fftw_FLAGS, THREADS=threads) def __call__(self, img1, img2): # backward FFT arrays self.iFFT1.inputData[:] = img1 iImg1 = self.iFFT1() self.iFFT2.inputData[:] = img2 iImg2 = self.iFFT2() #Do convolution iImg1 *= iImg2 #do forward FFT self.fFFT.inputData[:] = iImg1 return ftShift2d(self.fFFT())
[docs]def convolve( img1, img2, mode="pyfftw", fftw_FLAGS=("FFTW_MEASURE",), threads=0): ''' Convolves two, 2-dimensional arrays Uses the AOFFT library to do fast convolution of 2, 2-dimensional numpy ndarrays. The FFT mode, and some parameters can be set in the arguments. Parameters: img1 (ndarray): 1st array to be convolved img2 (ndarray): 2nd array to be convolved mode (string, optional): The fft mode used, defaults to fftw fftw_FLAGS (tuple, optional): flags for fftw, defaults to ("FFTW_MEASURE",) threads (int, optional): Number of threads used if mode is fftw Returns: ndarray : The convolved 2-dimensional array ''' #Check arrays are same size if img1.shape!=img2.shape: raise ValueError("Arrays must have same dimensions") #Initialise FFT objects fFFT = FFT(img1.shape, axes=(0,1), mode=mode, dtype="complex64", direction="FORWARD", fftw_FLAGS=fftw_FLAGS, THREADS=threads) iFFT = FFT(img1.shape, axes=(0,1), mode=mode, dtype="complex64", direction="BACKWARD", fftw_FLAGS=fftw_FLAGS, THREADS=threads) #backward FFT arrays iFFT.inputData[:] = img1 iImg1 = iFFT().copy() iFFT.inputData[:] = img2 iImg2 = iFFT() #Do convolution iImg1 *= iImg2 #do forward FFT fFFT.inputData[:] = iImg1 return numpy.fft.fftshift(fFFT().real)